About Rightful Religion

By the Mercy of ALLAH (اللہ)

RightfulReligion.com was established in 2009. The purpose of this website is to help truth seekers enter in Islam by knowing its truth through irrefutable and practical observable miracles by the Command of Allah in the 21st century of modern science & technology.

Moulana Abrar Alam, the Founder of Rightful Religion website has done an extensive research on the truth of religion Islam through neutral and practical observable miracles in the Light of Nature and behaviors of nature with true Muslims in this life and beyond this life when they have physically died.

There is no copyright of any of the research work of Moulana Abrar Alam Pakistan on his content for the Glory of Islam so you can feel free to share his research work even with your name and title anywhere as long as you are sincerely working for the establishment of Islam and prevailing it over all false religions of this world forever.

Who is ALLAH (اللہ)
  • The One True God
  • The Divine Holy King
  • The Ultimate Authority
  • The Divine Guardian
  • The Holy Majestic
  • The Originator
  • The Oft-Forgiver
  • The Perfect Judge
  • The All-Knowing
  • The Perfect Preserver
  • The Most Generous
  • The Most Glorious
  • The Resurrector
  • The Absolute Truth
  • The All-Strong
  • The Praiseworthy
  • The Perfect Restorer
  • The Giver of Life
  • The Bringer of Death
  • The Final Destroyer
  • The Most Unique
  • The Eternal
  • The Avenger
  • The Master of Kingdom
  • The Light of Heavens
  • The Most Patient
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